Western North Carolina Pre-Conference Assembly
Covenant Community Church 11 Rocket Dr, Asheville, NC, United StatesDistrict 70 Treatment / Bridging the Gap Committees Meeting (ZOOM)
Help carry the AA message of recovery into local alcohol treatment and detox centers. District 70 Treatment Committee meets the last Sunday of every month at 7:00 PM. Meeting ID: 862 9440 9678 Passcode: 268491 Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86294409678?pwd=N2JvSGs5eEErQXB2WWVhT24rSHgyQT09
Fletcher Fellowship Group Anniversary
Calvary Episcopal Church 2840 Hendersonville Rd, Fletcher, NC, United StatesGSR Business Meeting – District 71
Hendersonville Group Building 1624 Willow Road, Hendersonville, NC, United StatesHeld on the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Hendersonville Group building, 1624 Willow Rd, Hendersonville, NC 28739. All A.A. members are welcome! Check their website for meeting updates and links: https://www.nc71.org/
GSR Business Meeting – District 80
WCU Campus 245 Memorial Dr, Cullowhee, NC, United StatesHeld quarterly. The next meeting will be on Sunday, April 12, 1:30pm, and it will be a Budget Review Meeting.This will be a hybrid meeting with zoom capability as well as an in-person meeting. The in-person location will be on the WCU Campus at 245 Memorial Dr, Room 336 (Cherokee Rm). They will be using […]
Fireside Sobriety Circle
Yogi in the Smokies Campground 317 Galamore Bridge Rd, Cherokee, NC, United StatesNCMCO General Committee Meeting
ZoomNCMCO business meeting — Central Office Representatives and Board Members vote -- ALL AAs are welcome and encouraged to participate. Meeting materials (agenda, minutes, etc.) available >HERE< Join the meeting >HERE< Zoom Meeting ID: 757 855 2319 Passcode: 000000 A recent history of meeting materials is available >HERE<
GSR Business Meeting – District 71
Hendersonville Group Building 1624 Willow Road, Hendersonville, NC, United StatesHeld on the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Hendersonville Group building, 1624 Willow Rd, Hendersonville, NC 28739. All A.A. members are welcome! Check their website for meeting updates and links: https://www.nc71.org/
Not A Glum Lot Roundup
Hilton Charlotte University Place 8629 JM Keynes Dr, Charlotte, NC, United States2025 A. A. International Convention
Vancouver Convention Centre 1055 Canada Pl, Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaTaking place once every five years, the A.A. International Convention marks the anniversary of Bill W.’s first meeting with Dr. Bob and the birth of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. A.A. members and their families and friends from around the globe attend the event. At the International Convention people attend meetings, workshops, dances and events. A […]
Bridging the Gap Workshop Weekend
Sheraton Ontario Airport Hotel 429 N Vineyard Ave, Ontario, CA, United StatesBridging the Gap is a program thru Alcoholics Anonymous to help people leaving a correctional or treatment facility become acquainted with A.A. and attend A.A. meetings in their home town, after they are released. This year we will be having our Workshop Weekend in person again. Check out the newsletter and flyer for more information. […]