NCMCO COR/Board Meeting (Zoom)
All AA members are welcome to attend but only Group CORs may vote. Zoom ID: 757 855 2319, Password: 000000 or CLICK HERE.
All AA members are welcome to attend but only Group CORs may vote. Zoom ID: 757 855 2319, Password: 000000 or CLICK HERE.
Fellowship and bowling Friday afternoons at Sky Lanes in Asheville. We start at 1:30 and stay until about 3:30. Ask for Joyce or Jeanette at the counter. Games cost $5 each. Shoe rental is $3. Excellent food available too!
Location: St. John in the Wilderness (in the Wilderness room) Held on the 2nd Saturday of each month. District 71 will meet in person quarterly with the other two meetings monthly via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 839 998 9177; Passcode 71.
District 70 business will be discussed. Open to all AA members but only chairs and GSR’s can vote. If you are interested in being of service please attend the GSR meeting.
Fellowship and bowling Friday afternoons at Sky Lanes in Asheville. We start at 1:30 and stay until about 3:30. Ask for Joyce or Jeanette at the counter. Games cost $5 each. Shoe rental is $3. Excellent food available too!
Fellowship and bowling Friday afternoons at Sky Lanes in Asheville. We start at 1:30 and stay until about 3:30. Ask for Joyce or Jeanette at the counter. Games cost $5 each. Shoe rental is $3. Excellent food available too!
Join us for a cookout and the 7:00 PM open discussion meeting! Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Bring a dish or something to share. Hendersonville Group is located at 1624 Willow Road, across the street from the Valley Hill Fire Department.
Fellowship and bowling Friday afternoons at Sky Lanes in Asheville. We start at 1:30 and stay until about 3:30. Ask for Joyce or Jeanette at the counter. Games cost $5 each. Shoe rental is $3. Excellent food available too!
Last Friday of every month. Join us for coffee and treats along with experience, strength, and hope. Doors open at 5:30 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM.
Held on the 2nd Saturday of each month. District 71 will meet in person quarterly with the other two meetings monthly via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 839 998 9177; Passcode 71. Check their website for meeting updates and links:
District 70 business will be discussed. Open to all AA members but only chairs and GSR’s can vote. If you are interested in being of service please attend the GSR meeting.
Last Friday of every month. Join us for coffee and treats along with experience, strength, and hope. Doors open at 5:30 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM.