Christmas Day Mini Alcathon (Brevard)

St. Timothy's Methodist Church 1020 Asheville Highway, Brevard, NC, United States

Meetings at 10:00 AM, Noon, 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM. The room will be open between meetings for refreshments and fellowship. St. Timothy's Methodist Church | 1020 Asheville Highway | Brevard

Christmas Day Alcathon (Asheville)

Asheville 12 Step Club 1 Kenilworth Knolls, Asheville, United States

Join us at the Asheville 12 Step Club for fellowship, food, and meetings every even hour! 1 Kenilworth Knoll #4, Asheville

Christmas Day Alcathon (Hendersonville)

Hendersonville Group Building 1624 Willow Road, Hendersonville, NC, United States

Meetings every even hour (12, 2, 4, 6, 8) with Food and Fellowship all day long at the Hendersonville Group Building (1624 Willow Road, Hendersonville).

AA Gratitude Eating & Meeting (Murphy)

Murphy No Name Group 76 Peachtree Street, Murphy, NC, United States

The Murphy No Name Group presents an AA Gratitude Eating (6 PM) & Meeting (7 PM) — bring a covered dish and a fork! At the Episcopal Church (rear building).

Hendersonville Group New Year’s Eve Alcathon

Hendersonville Group Building 1624 Willow Road, Hendersonville, NC, United States

Meetings every even hour from 12 to 12 with Food and Fellowship all day long!

GSR Workshop

What is a GSR? What does a GSR do? District 70 is hosting a workshop on Zoom — ID: 702 585 935, Password: 1. Reference materials available online at and at NCMCO – Call (828) 254-8539

District 70 GSR Meeting (Zoom)

Open to all AA members but only chairs and GSR’s can vote. If you are interested in being of service please attend the GSR meeting. Zoom ID: 702 585 935, Password: 1. Or CLICK HERE.