35th Annual Freedom From Bondage Conference

Hampton Inn & Suites Aberdeen 200 Columbus Dr, Aberdeen, NC, United States

Area 51 A.A. Corrections Conference with speakers, panels, workshops, fellowship, and all the coffee you can drink! EVENT FLYER: View or Download

Area 51 Virtual Preconference – Session 1

Topics include AA Grapevine, La Vina. How should we treat A.A. Founders' writings? Zoom Meeting ID: 656 316 7536 Passcode: 924686 Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6563167536?pwd=ZmZIY3dKZU5MNlloR0xydjFZK3RDQT09 EVENT FLYERS: Virtual Pre-Conference Flyer What is a Pre-Conference? Evolution of a Conference Advisory Action

NCMCO COR/Board Meeting

NCMCO business meeting — all welcome and encouraged to attend. Zoom Meeting ID: 757 855 2319 Passcode: 000000 Meeting material: https://aancmco-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/info_ncmco_net/En5NSdqDVnZPnNT7fKn0URMB4c8uH84G17Jz3pEilMHviA?e=mM3OsF

Soberstock 2024

Sand Hill Scout Reservation 11210 Cortez Blvd, Brooksville, FL, United States

Soberstock is a 3-day weekend AA/Al-Anon/Alateen event featuring speakers, meetings, bands, food, nd fellowship. Soberstock is open to all members of AA/Al-Anon and their families. Proceeds of this function will purchase Big Books and other AA literature for District 2 jails and institutions. EVENT FLYER: View or Download

Area 51 Western Pre-Conference

Myers Memorial United Methodist Church 301 S New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC, United States

The Pre-Conference is open to all AA members. Hosted by District 12 and District 13. Lunch provided. BBQ contest. Please bring sides and/or desserts to share. An opportunity to meet with the Delegate, Julie R., who represents the voice of our Area. We will discuss the agenda items of the upcoming General Service Conference to […]

Disability Culture Workshop

The District 70 Accessibilities Committee, guided by AA principles, helps groups and members find solutions in situations that restrict access to AA for fellow alcoholics. Our intention is to create a local AA open to everyone with a desire to stop drinking. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88224318850?pwd=968chc12Buv48Kbgrw68AEvNbtPTDe.1 Meeting ID: 882 2431 8850 Passcode: 249752

Area 51 Virtual Preconference – Session 2

Topics include AA Grapevine, La Vina. How should we treat A.A. Founders' writings? Zoom Meeting ID: 656 316 7536 Passcode: 924686 Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6563167536?pwd=ZmZIY3dKZU5MNlloR0xydjFZK3RDQT09 EVENT FLYERS: Virtual Pre-Conference Flyer What is a Pre-Conference? Evolution of a Conference Advisory Action

The Second Blue Ridge Roundup

YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly 84 Blue Ridge Circle, Black Mountain, NC, United States

Attend a weekend of A.A. fellowship and programs in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. Find more information and registration details here: https://www.blueridgeroundup.org EVENT FLYER: View or Download

GSR Business Meeting – District 71

Hendersonville Group Building 1624 Willow Road, Hendersonville, NC, United States

Held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Hendersonville Group building, 1624 Willow Rd, Hendersonville, NC 28739. All A.A. members are welcome! Check their website for meeting updates and links: https://www.nc71.org/

GSR Business Meeting – District 80

WCU Campus 245 Memorial Dr, Cullowhee, NC, United States

Held quarterly. This will be a hybrid meeting with zoom capability as well as an in-person meeting. The in-person location will be on the WCU Campus at 245 Memorial Dr, Room 336 (Cherokee Rm). They will be using the WCU high tech zoom system; the password and sign on information will be emailed to participants […]

GSR Business Meeting – District 70

St. Lukes Episcopal Church 219 Chunns Cove Road, Asheville, NC, United States

District 70 business will be discussed. Open to all AA members but only chairs and GSR’s can vote. If you are interested in being of service please attend the GSR meeting. In Person: St. Luke's Episcopal Church on Chunns Cove Rd On Zoom: District 70 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: District […]

16th Annual Spring Fling Convention

Hilton St. Louis Airport 10330 Natural Bridge Rd, St. Louis, MO, United States

"Easy Does It" A.A. Convention with Al-Anon Participation. Friday: BBQ & Washer Games, Young People's Meeting, Ice Cream Social, Games with Prizes. Saturday: Banquet, Table Trivia, Speaker Panel, Games with Prizes, DJ & Dancing. Marathon meetings, activities room, merchandising open all weekend long. Register here: https://springflingstl.com VIEW/DOWNLOAD FLYER