Do you know Bill W.? Hosted by District 11 and District 12. Workshops and events. AA and Alanon speakers. Information and Registration HERE:
This Fall, multiple local AA groups have come together as the Charlotte Conference Committee to host our first event, a two day big book workshop led by Jerad D. and John E. from Dallas, TX. Pre-sale tickets will be available for $20 + processing until August 14 and $25 + processing after that date. Tickets […]
Make your reservations early! Deadline for reservations is Wednesday, September 13. Group Code: NCGS. Group Name: North Carolina General Service. If possible, call the Hilton Raleigh North Hills directly at 919-872-2323 during business hours Monday through Friday. Be sure to specify the group code "NCGS" and the group name "North Carolina General Service." If you […]
The Black Mountain Group (BMG) will be having our Group Anniversary Meeting which will be an open meeting held on MONDAY, October 30. There will be finger food at 6pm followed by a regular speaker meeting at 7pm! Bring a dish or dessert to share, if you like. We meet at the Black Mountain United […]
We meet at 5:30 to set up, potluck dinner at six, and our speaker meeting at 7:00 with our dear friend Michael sharing his experience, strength and hope (as well as a delicious cheesecake or two...). All are welcome to this event.
Tickets are on sale NOW! ** MGD Tickets $20.00 each ** It starts at 5:00 with greetings and fellowship. At 5:30 A traditional Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner with ALL the fixins - catered by Brothers Willow Ranch Restaurant - and all those desserts you bring! 7:00 AA Meeting with Speaker: Beth H.