12th Step Guidelines

The 12-Step Call is a vital part of your program of recovery ~ it is virtually the 12th Step. It is your personal way to help an active alcoholic by sharing your experience, strength and hope. Here are a few suggestions that experience have shown to be helpful. None of these are MUSTS, but each can make for a better 12th Step call. Please remember, ours is a program of attracion rather than promotion.

  • BE AVAILABLE to carry the message. CALL BACK PROMPTLY to arrange your visit. Be sure to get directions.
  • NEVER, NEVER, NEVER go alone. ALWAYS get someone to go with you, preferably an AA member with more experience, if possible.
  • MEN with men, WOMEN with women, however in an extreme emergency a man/woman team may call on either.
  • LOOK NEAT and presentable—you are representing recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • BE PATIENT, compassionate, and LISTEN. SHARE freely of your experience—especially your feelings of loneliness, hopelessness and confusion before AA.
  • EXPLAIN the three-fold aspect of the disease (physical, mental and spiritual), stressing that alcoholism is a PROGRESSIVE and often FATAL ILLNESS
  • DETERMINE the willingness of the person to do something about his/her condition.
  • SUGGEST taking action TODAY. Suggest a time to take this newcomer to a meeting.
  • DISCUSS with the family what AA has to offer, and suggest ALANON or ALATEEN. Leave literature and a meeting list.
  • IF YOU ARE WILLING, leave your phone number and encourage them to call you.
  • PLEASE don’t make any promises you can’t keep.
  • In case of EMERGENCIES — DT’s, convulsions, suicide threats or violence CALL 911 and follow their directions. DON’T PANIC.

Printable 12th Step Call Brochure: Brochure12-Step-Call-How-To NCMCO