Mountain Doin’s the newsletter with all the news that’s of interest to our local community is available at https://md.aancmco.org
AA Members: Submit your stories, articles or poems! Do you have a personal story, a poem or an interesting article you would like to see published in the Mountain Doin’s? Send it to us by the 15th of the month in order for us to include it in the following month’s newsletter (i.e. February 15 for the March issue). Stories and articles can be up to about 600 words in length. Please include copyright information if the article contains quotes or portions that have been published in a book (i.e. “Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th edition, page ??”) or magazine (i.e. “From the (date) Grapevine”) Submissions can be mailed to: NCMCO, 70 Woodfin Place, Suite 206, Asheville, NC 28801 or emailed to: info@ncmco.net If you have any questions give us a call: (828) 254-8539. We look forward to hearing from you!
View more than 50 years of Mountain Doin’s/Western North Carolina A.A. history in the Mountain Doin’s Archive
ASL on the A.A.W.S. YouTube Channel!
Good news! The Big Book and Twelve and Twelve in ASL are available with closed captions on the A.A.W.S. YouTube channel. All videos have closed captions and are in English only. We hope you enjoy! WATCH NOW
The Birthday Plan
For many years, A.A. members have celebrated their sobriety by sending a contribution to the General Service Office. Your birthday (or anniversary) money helps to support G.S.O.’s services to members and groups throughout Canada and the U.S., to ensure that the A.A. message is carried around the world. The services that G.S.O. provides the A.A. groups cost more than $6 per member per year. Members customarily contribute $1, $2 or even $5 a year for each year of sobriety—others may give a penny or a nickel a day for each day of their sobriety.
You may request these Birthday Contribution Envelopes (FR-5) from G.S.O., for yourself or for your group, at no charge. (Reprinted from Box 4-5-9 Vol. 62, No.1 / Spring 2016) Birthday Contribution Envelopes are available for free at Central Office.
And we now have envelopes for Birthday/ Anniversary Contributions to the North Carolina Mountain Central Office! Stop by the Office to pick up envelopes for yourself or your group members. Or call us (828-254-8539) and we will mail envelopes to you. We thank all the A.A. members and groups who donate so generously!